Sunday, January 14, 2007

Whatever it is, it must be a sweet job.

I had to stick around work last night because I was assigned to work this super-duper VIP table. I had to prep it with rose petals, votive candles, gold plates (not real gold, just plastic gold), napkins folded the special way. The works.

I don't like the high-maintenance VIP tables. But not this table. These were some real nice folks. And you know what? They must be good at their job, whatever that is, exactly. The One In Charge (I don't really know if he's charge of anything, but he was the one ordering the food and footing the bill) dropped close to $500 on three bottles of wine. And then $200 on me. Cash. Crisp $100 bills.

I went to the Watering Hole with my girls for some martinis and to finish watching the Eagles-Saints game. This town loves them some football. Like seriously loves them some football, the way people in Michigan love them some football. Don't worry, I'm not about to start waxing eloquent on my love for the game, but it was actually fun to be in this packed bar with a bunch of passionate, screaming, and devoted Eagles fans.

But their fight song? Please.

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